Friday 29 March 2013


My Auto Biography
Hello everybody and welcome to your first blog session. Today you are expected to write your auto biography. Please follow the instructions carefully and have a look at my sample post to get inspired. You may upload a picture if you like.
Can you spot me in this photo?

Make sure you include the following:
- Birth info
- Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ)
- Family info
- Hobbies
- Others...
Remember to write at least 120 words and make comments on three of your classmates posts.

Who am I?
Let me tell you a little about myself. I was born in Santiago, Chile, and grew up in Santiago, in the Patronato neighbourhood.  After I finished my wonderful kindergarten days,  I went to Rafael Sanhueza Lizardi School, where I became a book worm,  and then to Arturo Alessandri Palma High School, where I made some very good friends and developed my liking of English. As a result of that, I studied to become a teacher of English at Universidad de Chile and after some further study in London,  I took my master degree in Education in 2007 at UMCE and received my degree from there last year.
I´m the fifth oldest of a large family of seven children (and probably the gray sheep!)
I have a lot of hobbies, for example, I like drawing and painting; listening to music, singing karaoke and playing the guitar; I love reading (and used to write embarrasingly lousy poems) and watching movies (especially dramas and good comedies); I enjoy having long conversations with my friends over a coffee or some delicious food; plus a long etcetera. But what I like the most is travelling, so I’ve already been to quite a few countries.